Watercolor underpainting and charcoal on top. Another thing that just occurred to me in a dream that I quickly doodled before I would forget. Come to think of it, the charcoal drawing lost some of the elegant atmosphere of the sketch on the upper left corner. Perhaps I'll try again to catch that feel.

White oil pastel on paper + rough watercolor strokes + ink. Someone commented that the figure on the left could make a nice t-shirt design. Got to think about it.

I read from this one art therapy book that it is often a good idea to start the work day with a
warm up drawing: "Try not to make art with it, the point is to get relaxed without feeling pressure." I think it worked rather well, I just thought "what the heck, I'll just scribble some nonsense and throw it in the garbage can." Then I got carried away and it turned into this, funny. Somebody actually liked it. Anyway, it is a cruel fact that peer pressure and competition can be very daunting in this industry, and it is sometimes difficult to start drawing because of that.