I drew this in few minutes, spontaneously, then textured and edited in Photoshop. I need practice with comics and self-criticism is no good if you can't produce anything. Leonardo Da Vinci once said that it is extremely unfortunate if you know more than you are capable of doing. The only way out of designer's block is... to create. To do something, anything.
Ever since I discovered that there's a movement that aims to incorporate fine art influences to comics, starting with
Sienkiewicz in early 1980s, my mind was blown. Possibilities are endless since comics are no longer dependant on limited reproduction methods.
I once learned this thing called
Impro comics on an inspiration course. You just pick a subject and draw a comic within a short period of time. V. Ranta stated that with impro comics you're supposed to give your best despite the short deadline, and, contradictory, that it shows that all artists have bad days.
I heard positive feedback about the style. It's less banal and has more integrity to it.